
In OSeMOSYS, like usually in linear programs, sets, parameters and variables are defined. In this section, the sets, parameters and variables existing in OSeMOSYS are listed and briefly described. Illustrative examples on how to assign values for each of these will be given in the following Sections.

The ‘sets’ define the physical structure of a model, usually independent from the specific scenarios which will be run. They define the time domain and time split, the spatial coverage, the technologies and energy vectors to be considered, etc. For instance, when a variable is defined as a function of the set ‘YEAR’ it will be indicated as variablename[y] at it will be computed for every year listed in the set. The sets of OSeMOSYS are presented in the Table below.





It represents the time frame of the model, it contains all the years to be considered in the study.



It includes any element of the energy system that changes a commodity from one form to another, uses it or supplies it. All system components are set up as a ‘technology’ in OSeMOSYS. As the model is an abstraction, the modeller is free to interpret the role of a technology at will, where relevant. It may for example represent a single real technology (such as a power plant) or can represent a heavily aggregated collection of technologies (such as the stock of several million light bulbs), or may even simply be a ‘dummy technology’, perhaps used for accounting purposes.



It represents the time split of each modelled year, therefore the time resolution of the model. Common to several energy systems modelling tools (incl. MESSAGE / MARKAL / TIMES), the annual demand is ‘sliced’ into representative fractions of the year. It is necessary to assess times of the year when demand is high separately from times when demand is low, for fuels that are expensive to store. In order to reduce the computation time, these ‘slices’ are often grouped. Thus, the annual demand may be split into aggregate seasons where demand levels are similar (such as ‘summer, winter and intermediate’). Those seasons may be subdivided into aggregate ‘day types’ (such as workdays and weekends), and the day further sub divided (such as into day and night) depending on the level of demand.



It includes any energy vector, energy service or proxies entering or exiting technologies. These can be aggregate groups, individual flows or artificially separated, depending on the requirements of the analysis.



It includes any kind of emission potentially deriving from the operation of the defined technologies. Typical examples would include atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gasses, such as CO2.



It defines the number of modes of operation that the technologies can have. If a technology can have various input or output fuels and it can choose the mix (i.e. any linear combination) of these input or output fuels, each mix can be accounted as a separate mode of operation. For example, a CHP plant may produce heat in one mode of operation and electricity in another.



It sets the regions to be modelled, e.g. different countries. For each of them, the supply-demand balances for all the energy vectors are ensured, including trades with other regions. In some occasions it might be computationally more convenient to model different countries within the same region and differentiate them simply by creating ad hoc fuels and technologies for each of them.



It gives indication (by successive numerical values) of how many seasons (e.g. winter, intermediate, summer) are accounted for and in which order. This set is needed if storage facilities are included in the model.



It gives indication (by successive numerical values) of how many day types (e.g. workday, weekend) are accounted for and in which order. This set is needed if storage facilities are included in the model.



It gives indication (by successive numerical values) of how many parts the day is split into (e.g. night, morning, afternoon, evening) and in which order these parts are sorted. This set is needed if storage facilities are included in the model.



It includes storage facilities in the model.
